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Boost Sales with Pre-Built Trust Strategies | Be Uniic

Written by Michael G. | Jun 25, 2024 11:00:00 AM

Closing deals is the end goal for any business. That’s how you expand, that’s how you pay employees, and ultimately, that’s how you stay afloat. Many companies pour their resources into the generation of new customers through different channels, however they overlook the element of pre-built trust. If you look at the reasons behind your Closed Won deals, you’ll find there’s a common theme:

  • Repeat Customers
  • Referrals/Intros
  • Word of Mouth
  • Brand and Content

What specifically ties these together is trust. Deals are closed when a customer has confidence in what you’re pitching. The prospect believes your offer will resolve their pain points effectively. The higher the level of pre-built trust, the easier and faster deals close. Yet, despite this reality, companies tend to focus less on pre-building trust and more on channels where there is no pre-existing trust, leading to lower conversion rates and higher Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC).


The Importance of Pre-Built Trust

You can built pre-built trust with content or anything else. Regardless of how you do it, it’s important to understand that it’s the foundation of a successful business. It reduces the stress and friction of the sales process and prospects have an easier time choosing you over your competition. Whenever you establish said trust, customers are more likely to:

  • Make repeat purchases
  • Refer others to your business
  • Speak positively about your brand
  • Engage with your content


Strategies for Pre-Building Trust

Strategy has to be shifted in order to achieve trust building. Here are some ways we try to build the reputation:

1. Focus on Best-Fit Prospects

Not everyone is going to be a fit. When it’s early on in the business life, it’s easy to just accept everyone as a new client. However, when you really nail down your ICP and land customers aligned with this, it’s more likely that you’ll deliver the value they want. Ultimately, you’ll achieve a higher Net Promoter Score as a benefit.

  • Use data and insights to identify ideal customer profiles.
  • Tailor your marketing and sales efforts to attract these prospects.
  • Highlight case studies and testimonials from similar customers.

2. Build a Differentiated Brand and Content

Your brand is your literal namesake. Why be the same as everyone else? Your brand should stand for something beyond just the basic features of your product category (if not, you’re just like every other B2B company – feature this, feature that). Build content that showcases your value proposition and resonates with your audience.

  • Create high-quality, informative content that addresses customer pain points.
  • Leverage social proof, such as testimonials and case studies.
  • Engage in thought leadership to position your brand as an industry authority.


The Snowball Effect of Trust-Building Efforts

Consistency and persistence are the names of the game. Putting in an effort on both fronts to build and maintain trust will eventually snowball into an avalanche of success. Customers who fall in love with what you offer will become champions for your brand in the marketplace. They’ll even add the benefits of:

  • Recommend your products to their networks.
  • Share positive experiences on social media and review sites.
  • Provide valuable referrals that lead to new business opportunities.



Overall, building trust is both the fastest and the slowest growth strategy. While it requires time, patiences, and a consistent effort, it also works every time. Companies that trust and build upon trust will see growth, lower CAC, and eventually higher conversion rates.

Given the nature of just how easy it is to build a business today, trust will become a deciding factor in who the customer chooses. By focusing on your best-fit prospects and building a differentiated brand, companies can build a journey of trust. This trust not only helps close deals faster but also fosters long-term customer loyalty and advocacy.


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