A client might approach you and you’ll realize they have an amazing product that’s primed for success. However, they haven’t done any marketing – this includes never running an ad. So, they need to scale advertising efforts rapidly over the next few months and time is running out. The pressure to perform is on, so you have to build a quick and effective strategy to deliver results FAST.
Custom ad strategies are sitting top of mind. The strategy has to be tailored to each product’s unique needs. During audits, you’ll find some channels such as TikTok ads tend to be the most promising for some of these products. Why? TikTok has explosive growth and the platform has a unique algorithm that allows you to make it an ideal space for rapid scaling. Based on research, we can find that if you move quickly and apply the playbook, you could get up to 100K users within two to three months.
In any ad strategy, the first and most important issue to tackle is the hook – the element of the ad that captures a user's attention within a few seconds. This is where 90% of potential users leave your ad. There’s no point in optimizing the rest of the ad if you don’t get the hook right. For this example campaign, you should experiment with countless variations to find which hooks would be right for you – grabbing attention and driving engagement. Nail this before you focus on any other aspect of your ad.
The winning hook is built out, so the next challenge is scalability of the campaign. Another hurdle within a hurdle is that we want to keep Customer Acquisition Costs (CAC) low. To achieve this, try rolling out successful hooks into influencer networks. Each ad would be run from the influencers’ page, making them less like ads and more like organic content. This approach could potentially help maintain authenticity and engagement as you work to expand reach.
Your campaign is most likely in english. Your influencers are most likely in the U.S. and the U.K., so the next hurdle to get over is extending reach to non-English speaking regions. Translate your content, roll it out to areas such as Germany, France, and Spain. This approach to scaling in multiple languages will allow you to tap into new markets efficiently, accelerating adoption across other countries.
While the specific numbers and results that can be achieved with this type of campaign may not be directly transferable to other industries or products, many of the principles ring true throughout different areas. Advertising tends to be a multiplier for product success – the better the product, the bigger the impact marketing will have. By focusing on the right platforms, optimizing the main hurdles, and then expanding smartly, rapid and scalable growth is right around the corner – a very short period.