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Rethinking MQLs: Moving Beyond Basic Actions for Effective Lead Qualification

Written by Be Uniic | Nov 23, 2023 1:00:00 PM

In the fast-paced realm of digital marketing, equating Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) based solely on basic actions, such as website visits, sets the stage for potential failure. While these metrics may inflate the numbers on paper, they often fall short in providing an accurate reflection of a prospect's true intent and readiness for conversion. The frustration this misalignment creates between Sales and Marketing can be palpable, leading to complaints about lead quality and missed sales projections. In this blog, we explore the pitfalls of relying on superficial engagement metrics and the importance of understanding which actions truly drive pipeline growth and revenue.

The Pitfall of Basic Actions

A common pitfall in lead qualification arises when marketers prioritize quantity over quality. Metrics like website visits, downloads, and general online engagement are valuable indicators of interest, but they may not necessarily translate into genuine intent to purchase. A prospect who fills out a demo request form, for instance, demonstrates a level of commitment and interest that far surpasses someone who merely browses a few blog posts or visits a case studies page.

Sales teams, understandably, find themselves frustrated when presented with leads that lack the depth of intent needed for effective conversion. The disparity between Marketing's perceived success (based on inflated MQL numbers) and Sales' struggle to convert leads often becomes a contentious point within organizations.

The Blame Game

The disconnect between Sales and Marketing is not a new phenomenon. Sales teams complain about the quality of leads generated by Marketing, while Marketers defend their efforts by pointing to impressive MQL numbers sourced from list uploads, event contacts, or webinar attendees. The blame game can escalate, creating an uncomfortable atmosphere in board meetings as companies grapple with missed sales projections and revenue targets.

Shifting Focus to True Intent

To remedy this situation, it is imperative for organizations to shift their focus from basic actions to understanding which specific actions lead to tangible outcomes in the sales pipeline. The ultimate goal is not just lead generation but lead qualification that aligns with revenue growth. Lead scoring, while traditionally considered a primary tool, takes a backseat in this scenario.

Understanding the actions that directly correlate with Pipeline dollars, Bookings dollars, and ultimately, Closed Won dollars becomes the new focal point. This involves a more nuanced analysis of prospect behavior, identifying the critical touchpoints that signal a prospect's genuine interest in moving through the sales funnel.

The Role of Growth as Accountability

In this paradigm shift, lead scoring becomes secondary as Marketing takes on the responsibility of driving growth. Rather than relying on sheer volume, marketers must prioritize the quality of interactions and the depth of engagement. This realignment not only bridges the gap between Sales and Marketing but also positions the marketing team as a crucial driver of organizational success.


The key to overcoming the challenges associated with MQLs lies in moving beyond basic actions and focusing on actions that truly impact the bottom line. By understanding which prospects are genuinely more qualified, organizations can foster better collaboration between Sales and Marketing, meet sales projections, and ensure the overall success of the company.


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